Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Take A Shot For Me

(AN: So... I wrote this one shot a couple of weeks ago... I wasn't gonna post it buuuut since I'm kinda stuck with my other stories, I decided to give it a try.  It's not great, but it's something.  Let me know if you guys like it or not... be honest lol...  Thank you Kiara for helping me with this one!) (Oh and the italics are flashbacks)

She turned to look at him.  He was passed out next to her, his legs wrapped with hers as he took a rest from the night's actions.  Her finger traced his jawline, eventually moving to trace his lips.  She was crazy for those lips.  Placing a small kiss on them, she unwrapped her legs from his, careful not to wake him up.

Sex with Drake was always like this, it was amazing but the aftertaste was bittersweet.  She stood from the bed, grabbing the bed sheet to cover her front, and walked towards the window.  The sun was coming up, reality approaching at the speed of light. Her eyes wondered back to the bed, admiring the sleeping form on the hotel's bed she had come so familiar with.  Room 215. 
She eyed the room's floor.  Clothes scattered around, the prove of their impatience to be naked last night. 

Her legs wrapped around him, her back pressed against the room's door.  His lips were placing kisses on her neck, getting small moans in response.

"Drake, come on I don't have much time" he moved his lips from her neck to her breast.

"Shhh I haven't seen you in a long time, Nic.  Lemme take this slow" she threw her head back, silently agreeing to his request.

Smiling to herself, she picked up the clothes, placing them at the love seat.  His uniform caught her attention, her finger tracing the name tag.  AD Graham.  His badge on the front pocket.
Police Officer.

"You shouldn't be snooping around here" the feminine voice broke his concentration from his current task.  He cursed at himself for getting caught and turned around.  He wasn't ready for her.  She was breath taking, dressed only in shorts and a tank top, he couldn't help to stare.  "Don't let those eyes wonder too much boy. Turn around, hands against the wall". He let out a small chuckle.

"You a cop?" He still did what she told him to.  After all, he wasn't in position to argue with her, this was her territory.  Nicki did a body search on him, a smirk plastered on her face.

"You're clean" Drake removed his hand from the wall and she walked closer to him "Get the fuck outta here, if Wayne or one of the boys sees you here, you are dead"

"I'm not scare of them"

"You should be.  Cops aren't exactly their favorite people"

"Who says I'm a cop?"

"Take a look in the mirror boy, its written all over you.  Plus, we all know that you and your little partner have been following us" she turned around to leave "Trust me, get outta here" she began to walk and he grabbed her arm, turning her to face him again.

"Hold up, what’s your name?" She freed herself from his grasp, before looking him up and down and smiling.  Something about him attracted her.  That was honestly the only reason why she didn't tell the guys about him being there and decided to just handle it herself.  She had done some research on him as soon as Wayne told her that some cops were all over their business, he seemed like a nice guy, a young and new cop.  Acting on instinct she stood on her tippy toes and pecked his lips.

"Goodbye Drake"

He was good.  A nice, caring, loving, ambitious man that served this country and did his best to protect people and here he was, risking everything he had achieved.  Her mind wondered what made him think she was worth it, she wasn't.  Her hands reached for his gun, observing it.
Drake observed her from the bed.  She held the sheet to cover her breast but her back side remained uncovered, giving him a full view of her ass.  Nicki had his gun in her hands, playing with it.  It always amazed him how well she could handle guns, always using them to get what she wanted.

She continued to walk down the street; she knew he was following her.  Lately, he always was.  She wasn't mad at him though, it was his job to try and get information, but she knew what would happen to him if someone found out.  Most of the time she just walked away from her team, making sure they didn't see him. 

Finally arriving at the cheap hotel she made her way to the counter

"Nina" the girl gave her a sweet smile and handed her a key, Nicki pulled her closer to whisper something in her ear "There's a guy following me, he thinks I don't know.  Ignore him" the girl nodded and Nicki walked to her room. Room 215. She opened the door and got in.

The room was small; she usually comes here when she needs to get away from the guys a little bit.  They never questioned her about it.  After waiting a reasonable amount of time she opened the door.

"Drake I know you are there" she heard him grunt and get out of his hiding spot with a frown on his face.  She rolled her eyes at him "Get in" she held the door as he entered.

"How did you know?  Since when?"

"You aren't that good….officer.  And I've known since you first started following me.  Why do you think you're still alive nigga?" His face showed his frustration "Sit down" he sat on the bed and watch in amusement as she took off her jacket and threw it to the floor, her eyes never leaving his.

"What are you doing?" She didn't answer and proceeded to take off her boots.  Before he could protest, she straddled him "Onika"

"Oh? You know my name.  Someone has done his research" her lips brushed his "Do you have a condom?" Her voice was deep. What was happening?  Before he could answer, she kissed him.
It took him a couple of second to react.  He couldn't do this.  Gently pushing her away, he stood up.

"I can't do this" he saw her reach for her shirt and take it off.  He looked at her uncovered breast, her nipples were hard and he felt his dick twitch inside his pants.

"Why not?  I like you and judging by the way you are looking at me, you like me too" she saw the hesitation in his eyes "I'm not asking you to marry me Drake.  It's just sex" she knew she was being straight forward, but she needed this.  She didn't care who he was, she wanted him.  At least one time.

"I..." He took a deep breath and forced himself to look at her face and not at her half naked body "No, I can't" she raised an eyebrow and walked towards her jacket, picking it up from the floor and covering her chest with it.  He thought he saw hurt on her face, but decided to brush it off.  "I'm gonna go" he turned to leave, but just as he was opening the door he heard a gun being unlocked.  He turned around to see her pointing the gun at him, her jacket on the floor again and a smirk on her face. He would be lying if he said that didn’t turn him on.

"What about now?"

He smiled at the memory; they never stopped seeing each other after that. Nicki was still playing with his gun, unaware of his stare.

"You look so sexy with a gun in your hands" she looked at him, pointing the gun towards him.

"Why do you trust me? I could kill you right now"

He chuckled and stood up, taking the gun from her "Why do you trust me? I could put your sexy little ass in jail. You and your friends" he walked behind her. She felt his arms wrap around her, his chest against her back, his lips placing a kiss on her neck.
"Little ass? oh ok" she let out a small chuckle "Why don't you? You sure as hell have enough evidence against us" he sighed.

"You know the answer to that question Nicki, I'm not gonna repeat it" she unwrapped his arms from her.  Reaching for the pile of clothes and looking for hers. "What are you doing?"
"I have to go Drake.  The guys must be wondering where am I, it’s been almost 6 hours since I left the house" she put her bra on. "Where's my thong?" She looked at him, who had a smirk plastered on his face. "Gimme" her tone wasn't friendly.

"Nicki come on. Lose the attitude, it’s not needed" he handed her the underwear and watched her get dressed. "Can I at least get a kiss before you leave?"

Nicki looked at him, a pout on his face and gave him a small smile.  They were both crazy for this, but she didn't know how to stop it. Wrapping her hand around his neck, she kissed him.  It was soft, lazy.  The kind of kiss that you give to someone you aren't gonna see in a long time.  But the truth was she didn't know when she was going to see him again.  After a few seconds they pulled away and Drake rested his forehead against hers.

"Do you have to go?" His tone made her feel like a bitch for doing this to him, he didn't deserve it.  She didn't deserve him.

"Yeah" she pecked his lips before letting go of his neck "Wayne it’s gonna be furious" she saw Drake's muscles tense at the mention of his name.

"Fuck he cares? He ain't your man"

"He's like my brother Drake.  You know damn well how much he means for me... Him and the rest of the gang are my family" he huffed

"Some family you have" he didn't mean to say it out loud, and seeing her nose scrunch up made him regret it even more.

"What the fuck is your problem Drake?! You knew this! Ain't nobody told you to get involved with me! You don't like the people I consider my family? Then you don't like me either, this is what I am.  You knew this, Drake.  From the very first time we saw each other you knew what I was, who I was and what I do"

"Fuck, Nicki.  You think I planned this?! I'm a fucking cop who's supposed to captured all of you! And what? Here I am. Waiting. Waiting every fucking day for you to give me a call telling me we can see each other, telling me we can come to this same fucking room so I can get a chance to have you with me." He softened his voice and looked down at her eyes. "And I mean the real you, the Nicki who kisses me and tells me about her dreams of becoming a better person.  The one that I made love to in that fucking bed last night over and over again" she looked away and he brought his hand to her face, turning her towards him again, forcing her to look into his eyes "The one I'm so stupidly and madly in love with"

"I'm sorry... I..." She looked at him before closing her eyes and letting out a frustrated sigh.  She couldn't do this to him.  If Wayne, or any of the other guys found out she was sleeping with a cop, they would kill him.  And she wasn't gonna let that happen.  She cared too much for him. "I have to go"

She grabbed her things and headed for the door.

"Just say you love me back Nicki, please" his voice cracked.  Stopping dead on her tracks she turned to look at him.

"I can't say something I don't feel Drake" she forced herself to swallow the pain "And don't sit and wait for my call anymore.  I won't call you again" she opened the door and left.  When had she became such a good liar?


"Drake!" The voice took him out of his trance and he turned to look at his partner for the past 2 years. She was a pretty girl who looked sweet, but was really one of the strongest woman’s he had ever met.

"Fuck, Rita.  Do you have to yell so loud?"

"Well, I've been calling you for a while now and you didn't answer so...." He gave her a small smile and spaced out again "Okay, pretty boy.  What's going on?"

"Nothing just..." He saw Rita give him a disbelieving look and sighed.  Who he was trying to fool? This girl new him to well. "She hasn't called"

Rita knew about Nicki.  They have both been assigned to this case.  The Young Money Gang.  Thieves, drug dealers and although they weren't known for killing, police had their suspicions. As young cops both Rita and him were eager to get them, it would've been a great accomplishment.  But he fell for Nicki.  The youngest of the gang.  A beautiful, curvy, badass and smart woman who was usually the brain behind every robbery. 

"It's better that way. You were in too deep with that girl.  I wouldn't have been able to cover your ass much longer" she stood up and closed the office's door trying to get them a little privacy. "They are starting to suspect that you know more than what you're saying.  Heard the boss saying something to Eddie about it"

"What exactly did you hear?"

"I'on know Drake, I'm not sure.  But I think they know where they are hiding, they probably gonna attempt to catch them there"

He could feel his heart racing.  He knew what was gonna happen if they just showed up at their hiding place and he didn't want Nicki caught up in that.  Fuck.

"Rit..." Her phone interrupted him.  She motion for him to hold up and picked up.

"Ora speaking" he saw her face scrunch up and give him a worried look "Yes.  We'll be there"

"Who was it?" His worried expression mirrored hers.


Nicki stood in front of the window, looking out at nothing in particular.  She missed him, the sneaking out to see him, the feeling of his body against hers as they explored each other's bodies.  He had become part of her life.  She did love him.  Every single thing about him, but she didn't want him caught up in this life, he was different.  Running away with him wasn't an option, she couldn't do that to Wayne.

Wayne was the only family she had.  Her dad died when she was still a teenager, and her mom had been sick.  When she got involved with Wayne's gang she just wanted to get the money to help her mom. He always took good care of her, often giving her some of his own money to help her.  He never asked for anything, just loyalty and she had failed him by getting involved with Drake.

"I hope you ain't thinking about that light skin motherfucker" she turned and glared at Tyga "If Wayne finds out..."

"If I find out about what?" Wayne eyed them "That she was sleeping with that excuse of a cop?" Nicki's breath got caught in her chest. No, no, no.

"What? I haven'..."
"Don't bullshit me Nic, I know.  I've known since a long time.  Only reason that nigga it’s still alive its cause he hasn't done anything against us" he walked closer to her, giving her a death glare "Pussy must be good" he felt her slap, leaving a sting on his cheek. "The fuck you think you're doing?!" He grabbed her by her arm.

"Wayne, stop... She is just mad" Tyga saw Nicki's inexpressive look, like she didn't care.  What the fuck was happening to his family?

Wayne let go of her. "You put this family in danger, Nicki.  For what? You think that guy was gonna stay around? He is the complete opposite of you.  Probably got the information he needed from you, while getting his dick wet too.  He fucking used you!"

She knew it wasn't true.  Drake had never tried to get information from her.  Never. He was the only good thing that had happened to her in a very long time.  He was the reason that she wanted to become a better person, to deserve him.  But hearing Wayne say that still hurt.  She was about to reply to him when she heard it.  Sirens.


Drake held his gun tight. Not having a way to communicate with her, to let her know what was going on, frustrated him.  On one side he had his responsibility as a police officer, but he didn't want to hurt her.  She had his heart, whether she wanted it or not.  Rita looked at him and saw the emotions going through his face, she grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring look.

There wasn't any movement at the house, but he somehow knew they were there, call him crazy, but he could feel her.  The police cars came to a stop and they all got out, their guns pointing at the house, as they all made their way towards the house.  One of the cops kicked the front door open and got in, a couple of officers behind him.  Both him and Rita stayed outside.

"I'll be back" Rita looked at him like he was crazy

"Where are you going?! We are supposed to stay here!"

"I have to find her" he ignored Rita's comments and made his way towards the back of the house, he felt himself being shoved against the wall, he pointed the gun ahead.

"Fuck Nicki, I could have shot you" he saw her mad expression and instantly knew what she was thinking "I didn't plan this Nicki"

"Stop the bullshit Drake! Why are you here then?" He was silent "Exactly"

"I came to find you" he reached his pocket and handed her a key. Room 215. "Here.  Wait for me there" she didn't move.  He put the gun back in its place and grabbed her face with both hands, trying to block the sound of gunshots "Listen to me Nicki, I love you.  I'm not gonna lose you" his lips found hers and she returned the kiss.  Something about this one was different. He pulled away and gave her the key, pecking her lips again "Go" he watched her run towards the back.

"Drake!" Rita's cries made him run to the front, he saw her on the floor and immediately knelt next to her.

"Fuck, Rita... You okay?" He saw her holding her leg, were the bullet had hit her "Fuck, fuck... Hold it tight”

"Drake, behind you!" He turned around and heard the gun shot.

It was like the world was moving in slow motion.  His worst nightmare playing.  Wayne holding his gun out, shooting at him.... and he saw her standing in front of him, the bullet through her chest.  Her small body collapsing to the floor.  He couldn't breathe, his body moved on its own, running towards her.

Wayne stood still. What... Nicki. He felt himself being pulled by his arm, Tyga's voice trying to get him to move

"Wayne come on, we have to run..."

"I shot her" Tyga looked at him confused.

"You shot who?" He kept trying to move him “Nigga come one, let’s move!"

"Nicki! I shot Nicki!" Tyga let go of him and looked back.  He saw Drake, with Nicki on his arms.  No.

"She... She got in the way, Tyga, I killed her! I killed my little sister!"

Tyga clenched his jaw and gulped. "Come on, Wayne.  We have to get outta here" Finally being able to move, they ran towards the back of the house.

"Nicki! Come on, baby... Don't close your eyes, look at me". Drake kept her close, his hand pressed on her wound "Rita! Call the ambulance!"

He didn't care about the looks he was getting from the rest of the officers.  All he cared about was Nicki.  He saw her eyes getting heavy. "No, no. Nicki look at me, look at me!" He was desperate; he knew he was losing her.

"I'm..sor..sorr..y" her voice was weak.

"Shh, no Nicki, don't talk..." He brought her even closer, as his tears stained his cheeks.

"I..lov..e..yo...u" he ran his hand through her hair, his lips pressing against hers.  He had wanted to hear her say that for so long.  But not like this, not when she had just been shot for saving him.

"I love you too Nicki" he saw her eyes close, her breathing stopping "Nicki, Nic...No! Nicki! Open your eyes, Nicki!"

But she didn't.


  1. this was really good...look at nicki being a badass, pointing a gun at him to get her way.. drizzy u know u cant resist nicki
    that affair was sexy though.. i got chills..
    n im not here for her denying her feelings, even though i knew it was to protect drake.
    im happy that rita gave drake a head ups on what was going on..
    when drake got to nicki and gave her the key to meet him..i was like yessss she about to get away... i was like yes they are gonna finally be together .. i like where this is going..
    then this fuck ass nigga shot her on accident.. its almost like he closed his eyes to really..
    my thing is drakes back was turned and u knew nicki loved him, y would u want to shoot him in the first place.. he wasnt shooting at u..i swear i got so mad..
    y did my baby have to die *balling my eyes out*.. i wear when i read it, it was almost like i didnt want to believe
    even though i was reading the i wanted the ambulance to come in time to save her, so they could be togther..
    Great oneshot love.. keep them coming!!

  2. Nuuuuuuu!!! Not me getting ready to cry. VERY well done!!

  3. NOOO!! i can't believe Wayne shot Nicki, I feel it for drake *smh* this almost had me in tears reading the last few lines of the story but this was a great one-shot:)

    Post soon <3

  4. Aww shit got me over here crying and shit I can't deal this story is so good like it is mos def in my top favs please add to this I loved it damn fuckin Wayne shot her ugh I am *wipes tears* I hope somehow she can be saved add soon

  5. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. This was....I just....Omg. I LOVED it!!!!! I was so hooked the whole way through & my poor heart, this was so sad. Your writing is >>>>>>>>>>>>> you're amazing. THANK YOU for posting this. I can't believe you were considering NOT posting >.> You need to understand how talented you are :) Please don't ever stop. GREAT CHAPTER :D
